Intrusive Marketing is not always Dirty : What about this "Happening" ?

Christophe Bruno is a net artist. His experiment is intrusive. People don't opt-in, it's a "happening". But what he does has nothing to do with spamming or boring you with a bloody pop-up.

He calls it "poetry advertisment" and I must admit I like it very much. He bought adwords and spoiled the economic and cold mechanisms of Google. In this experiment, if you typed "money", the message "Arrghhh ! Don't do that again !" appeared.

See more details here : adwords experiment (christophe bruno)

So, is that intrusive ? yes. But it's worth. Now, why ? Actually it's difficult to justify. Just because he's an artist, standing on the margins, and more able to reveal underlying issues I guess (oh, yes, i forgot to mention, he's French).

He's just here to remind you were typing "money" or "sex", or both, in Google...

But, more interesting, I think he tried to tell us that Google is not something merely "useful". What we type in Google is sometimes irrational.. We expect big answers from big questions..

Google is also like a hole, an universal psychoanalyst where we all type our hidden desires..
Google, tell me what's the meaning of life... !

The firts adword he bought ? "Symptom"

I wonder if "happenings" can be used in advertising, and under what circumstances... I'm not sure we really have to be obsessed with "opt-in advertising". But, for sure, to be intrusive, you have to be more than excellent... What do you think ?

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